Posts tagged #Christophe Claret Mecca

Experience: When Watch Collecting is a Journey and Not a Destination. A Father and Son Share their Very Impressive Watch Collection with Us.

A few days ago, someone asked us how come we don't talk more about the hobby of watch collecting when our name is Watch Collecting Lifestyle. Since we see watch collecting as a journey and not a destination, we've limited how much we talk about the subject so that we don't end up being too redundant. However, in lieu of delivering more of what our readers want, we will start talking more about watch collecting and when possible share some interesting watch collections with you.

Insider: Christophe Claret Mecca. Hands-on with the Timepiece with a Mirascope and the Kaaba at the Center of the Dial.

Regardless of the different religions our readers follow or don't follow, the Christophe Claret Mecca is a timepiece that deserves to be featured here at WCL as it is one of the most fascinating timepieces out there. Religious orientation aside and just like they did with the Christophe Claret Aventicum we reviewed here, the Christophe Claret Mecca follows the same design principle and execution, but this time the mirascope highlights the micro-engraving of the Kaaba, the cube-shaped mosque at the center of Islam's most sacred site — Al-Masjid al-Haram— in the Holy City of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.