Just like an Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Jumbo 5402SA, when it comes to cigars, Cohiba is a name that needs very little introduction. Savvy watchlifestylers already know that Cohiba stands for the highest quality in fine cigar making and the flagship brand of Habanos from Cuba.
Created in 1966 for Fidel Castro and handmade at the world famous 'El Laguito' factory, these cigars were originally only seen outside of the island when presented as gifts to heads of state or dignitaries throughout the world. Additionally, Cohiba is a brand with a very limited production of cigars per year making it even more exclusive.
The Cohiba name has its origins from the the ancient 'Taino' language word that was used to refer to bunches of tobacco leaves. 'Taino' is the language used by the Taino Indians that populated the islands of the Caribbean before the Spanish Conquest in the 1500s.